Friday 31 January 2014

Final Cut Evaluation

After watching through our rough cut there were some changes that we needed to make, one was that there were a lot of continuity errors which meant that it was maybe slightly awkward to watch. For example Isa gets out of the bed but then we saw her back in it again, also water is flooding into the bedroom onto the pictures in shots that came before we saw that there was a bath or before the bath is seen to have over flowed so this didn't make too much sense. Therefore we fixed this by moving shots around so showing a shot of the taps being on and the bath over flowing before we saw any water in the bedroom. We also found that the whole sequence happened very quickly meaning that maybe she gets into the bath way before she actually should as we were left with a lot of room at the end that we didn't know what to do with and also that we hadn't included really effective and cinematic shots in the bedroom that we could have put it. So we made the start more spaced out and made it so that she isn't seen going into the bath until later on in the video, this worked much better as it meant that after this shot we didn't have too much footage we could put in as she goes under water and this is how it finishes so once she was submerged we had to finish it quite quickly.
We also found that the lip syncing wasn't also on point which needed to ne changed it is just made the whole music video look a lot more unprofessional as it became obvious that these the two artists were not actually a band and that she was just singing and he was just playing over a track. This was easily changed by using the time proxy to help us get the shots in time with the track. 
The big change though was doing the special effect at the end of Isa dissolving into multi-coloured inks in the bath, the way we did it is on the shoot day we took a birds eye view shot of the girl fully under the water lying in the bath and then we took a birds eye view shot of the bath when it was empty as well, by using these two templates an effect called bubble dissolve was used to slowly move from one shot into the other. But the next step was the ink, on the shoot day we had made ink bombs which exploded in the bath producing this mixture of ink swells in the bath which could be used to know the colours that we wanted to use but for the ink to actually dissolve this girl,what happened was that we turned small parts of her into blocks and dissolved it and then went on the amplify the colours and make it more obvious as to what was happening to her.
Also what we did was use a process called colouring - which is done on an American programme called ‘Coloring’. What it does is change the amount of colours so that they match each other, therefore as we used a lot of white and sometimes the whites wouldn’t match up - maybe because of the time of day had changed or there was a slightly different light set up, etc. - this is when we can use this process so that the colour balance in the image looks correct. Colouring was also used to make it look quite de-saturated and dark in order to keep the style for one quite grungy and also emphasis the dark and troubled message that we are presenting in our music video, we thought de-saturating it would pull off this look after watching the music videos that Birdy had done which use a similar colour process.