Tuesday 6 August 2013

'Why Piracy is Perpetuating Plastic Pop' by Halienne Lindvall

'Unwillingness to pay for music means more assembly-line artists' and is making it harder to create a rock'n'roll revolution. 

Many artist have been very careful about voicing there opinions on piracy in the music business. Lar Ulrich declared that his actions and thoughts of piracy 'had never been about money but control'. 

Lily Allen, one of the first artists who voiced their opinion argued and idea that i myself had never thought of. Allen argued that for those artists who had already made their money from the industry before digital piracy became such a major issue yet those younger and newer artists will never get the chance to make the living that the other artists had, and will never get the same experiences. This comment by Lily Allen made her 'target of thousands of incredibly abusive messages - even death threats'. 

'What does this actually mean for the future. It will cheapen music eventually. And it it forces the business to take more drastic action...'

Noel Gallagher states 'It cost me a quarter of a million pounds to make it, you're not getting it for nothing'. He also explained that piracy is one of the reasons that tours are getting so long. 'Records dont get any cheaper to make, they get more expensive' and he pays for it all, every bit of it. 

Reading what Lily Allen and noel Gallagher had to say about piracy made me feel as though they are being cheated out of money. While members of the public are listening to their music for nothing they still have to pay to produce their work.  

Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins says 'commerce starts at the point people are happy with happy with paying for something - and the fact that technology now allows people to choose to not pay for music has turning music culture into a service culture.' He explained how the music culture has turned from one that is like 'I am going to do and produce what ever the fuck I like' where has now artists are 'supposed to beg for attention . He states 'it;s completely counterintuitive to why I became a musician in the first place and the personality of someone like me'. This comment I felt was quite saddening as what they love is now becoming more of a task. 

'Piracy and the unwillingness to pay for music is creating a self-perpetuating conveyer belt of cookie-cutter pop stars?'

After reading this article I stuck me that what the majority of the population are doing these days by downloading free music is actually a criminal activity and is taking a strong tole of the artists themselves. What people do not think about when downloading free illegal music is that they are stealing from the music industry and someones hard work is going to waist. I began to think of the price that songs are being sold for and the like cinemas they are having to make it more expensive due to the amount of people committing to piracy and the decreasing amount of income they are receiving.

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