Friday 28 March 2014

Final Website

To build our website we used the website WIX. " is a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create professional HTML5 websites and mobile sites, through the use of their online drag and drop tools."

The sight allowed us to create a unique and user friendly website for our audience which fitted with our band image and also allows us to promote the video and the band itself.

Our website consist of many different parts. The home page as you can see consists of different photos, however the first image is one of the two people who make up the band. The viewer has the option to scroll along using the arose to change the image.  The pictures on the website consist of images that I took on the day of the shoot as when as a photo-shoot I did of the two band members post shoot. The photographs that I collected on the day of the shoot made up the behind the scenes section of the website, this allows the viewer to see how we achieved the footage of your video and the sorts of things we got the actor to do. This allows the audience to gain a bigger insight to the production of the video. We also made sure that the colouring of the website fitted the look of the video. We did this by using a tidy and clinical web layout and using grey colours to go with the de-saturated and bleak look of the video. We wanted to make sure that were was a running theme through the bands image, video, website and digi pack.

On the website as well as including all the things one would expect to see such as, the finished video, about the band, tour dates, news, contact details we also decided to include an online store. This would increase the bands revenue and also promote the band. We printed the bands name onto different products including, hoddies, tee-shirts, mugs and umbrellas.  

Overall I am pleased with the final result of the website. I feel as though we have created a user friendly website which successfully appeals to our audience and conforms with the band image.
Link to the sight:

Thursday 27 March 2014

Final digipak - Front cover, inside panels and back cover

Our digipak design focuses on the contrast of de-saturated colour and bright watered down inks, both of these qualities are seen in our music video. The pack also is made up of three separate shoots that I shot over the production and post production stages.

The front cover image is an image with is connected with the video itself. We decided to use this as the front cover even tho it is not a single album because we felt as tho its a strong image. I used the app fragment by pixete LLC on the IPAD to produce the design of the image. I also used the same format for the back-cover  The back cover image was one I took when doing the ink experiments before our shoot. The image consists of a range of coloured inks being dripped into water. Using the app I selected the design I wanted and formatted the image to fit this. However, on the front cover I decided that the most effective way to display the image would be to have the picture itself in focus and the parts of the image in the lines blurred out. While on the back cover I felt the most visually compelling way to present the image would be to have the main area out of focus and the parts of the image in the lines in focus. This also meant that we could have the other songs in the album written in-between the fragmented square lines.

The inside left panel consists of images that I took in the studio which also went up on the website. I chose to put these images in black and white and in photoshop using the blending tools place the allusion of ink dripped down the background to link with the back cover as well as the video itself. This made all the the panels link better. 

The inside left and the CD design I felt it would be appropriate to bring in some sort of connection with the water as there has been some sort of reference with the water in each of the other panels. So therefor, I placed a water image on for the CD and using the front which I have used throughout I smudged in photoshop to give the effect that the water is making the ink run. 

Through the making of the digipak I completed many different drafts using various images and designs to see what was the most effective. Through stages of development and refining I came up with the final design.