Tuesday 11 December 2012

Voice Over

1 – (News real advertisement) This is world news, we now have new prescription drug to stop the on going case of migraines, Ring this number if you would like to be included in the trail for this fabulous drug that will almost certainly change your life: 07816501938. (Interference and cut)

2 – (Interview) (Question) This is one of the lucky survivors from the trail drug used to treat migraines. Charlotte Gay, early twenties, is here to speak to us about her experiences with this trial drug.
Firstly I want to ask you why did you participate in the trial when there is nearly always large risk involved in these sorts of things?

(Answer) Simply because I needed the money. I have just graduated from university and I suffer from terrible migraines. I was in alot of discomfort most of the time so my doctor said it was something that was no harm participating in.

3 – (Question) Where you aware of the possible side effects?

(Answer) No I wasn’t, we were told it was tested on animals and there were no life threatening side effects so therefore I just went for it and got some good money for it. Although I was told that I may experience some dizziness but I never thought it would come to this and to be honest I don’t think they had a clue either.

4 – (Question) Are you still taking the pill?

(Answer) No

5 – (Question) Are you still experiencing side effects?

(Answer) Yes and they are getting progressively worse. The majority of people have already died, which is what I’m getting worried about. People have even ended up killing themselves as it gets too much for them to be able to….

Sorry…. (Breathing/moaning)

(Heavier breathing)

(Interviewer) – You alright? Do you want some water?


Props List

We need two cars - we will use the teachers on sight cars. These are the two cars that we are going to use

Car keys - these car keys will be the ones to control the car that the main women is in. 

Brief case - One of us from the group will bring this in. 

Pill Bottle - We are going to get quite a few pill bottles and take the labels of them and make our own labels and print them of and stick them onto the bottle. All of the bottles will have to be the same.

Pills - for the pills we are going to get some sort of mint so we are able to get the actors to actually take them. 

Voice recorder - we need to this record the voice over for the interview. 

Women suit - this will just be someone's in the group.

Final Story Board Draft

Monday 10 December 2012

Character Lists

 Main Woman - We want to find a youngish girl who is about 20 years old. Young university graduate who is tall, slim and preferably blonde hair. This character should look smart and as though shes on top of her game and is interested in doing well in life.
4 added extras -
1. Man in a car - Normal looking member of the public, middle aged who is just sitting casually in his car.
2. Man at bus stop - slouching, looking tired and unclean in his own little world as though he has no-one. Looking as though he has had no sleep at all for the past few weeks.
3 + 4 - Young couple in love who are in their teens, wearing casual/normal clothes. No real need for any particular look as long as they look like young teenagers in a relationship.
3 Buisness men -
All of them to look smart in suits as though they are in a big company, young / middle aged men who look as though they know exactly what they are doing. All quite tall and slimish.

Chessie Hore - Main Women 

Business people - Pill (Media Teacher)

Paul (media teacher)

Jason (media teacher)

Added Extras - Adam (media teacher)

Matt (media teacher)

Kitty and Gil (couple)

First draft story board