Monday 10 December 2012

Character Lists

 Main Woman - We want to find a youngish girl who is about 20 years old. Young university graduate who is tall, slim and preferably blonde hair. This character should look smart and as though shes on top of her game and is interested in doing well in life.
4 added extras -
1. Man in a car - Normal looking member of the public, middle aged who is just sitting casually in his car.
2. Man at bus stop - slouching, looking tired and unclean in his own little world as though he has no-one. Looking as though he has had no sleep at all for the past few weeks.
3 + 4 - Young couple in love who are in their teens, wearing casual/normal clothes. No real need for any particular look as long as they look like young teenagers in a relationship.
3 Buisness men -
All of them to look smart in suits as though they are in a big company, young / middle aged men who look as though they know exactly what they are doing. All quite tall and slimish.

Chessie Hore - Main Women 

Business people - Pill (Media Teacher)

Paul (media teacher)

Jason (media teacher)

Added Extras - Adam (media teacher)

Matt (media teacher)

Kitty and Gil (couple)

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