Friday 11 January 2013

Pre Shoot Talk

A few days before the shoot we sat round the table and went through our shooting schedule and we realised that we were trying to fit too much into the day.

We then decided to work on the idea further and experiment with different concept as we felt that our story board so far was a bit too much like a day to day process; as in the main character goes to work and what happens as she goes to work. It also came up that if it were a trial drug it would be very unlikely that she would pass three people on her way to work on the same trial drug. So we then started to think of ways in which we could adapt our idea. We changed it to a lady going to an interview. She is in the toilet kind of pep talking herself, we can see that she is feeling anxious, she splashes her face with water and then takes some pills. She then runs in late to the first part of the interview, this is a computer test and she is finding it hard to focus, she keeps looking up and down the row of people in the test. She puts her head into her hands and it cuts to her being in the interview room; as if she has blacked out. The interviewer is getting more and more aggravated with her as it seems as though she is not taking this seriously. It is clear that she does not feel well but the interviewer does not want to hear any of this. She leans forward and she has a major nose bleed, all hell is then let loose and she goes crazy attacks the girl sitting to the left of her and bites the interviewers arm. 

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