Tuesday 8 January 2013

Shooting our Pre-Lim

This task was designed to enable us to imagine what shots we need to use in our thriller and also so we could see generally what it would look like being put together. Xenia, Yvana and I used an iphone to do all the recording. Obviously we had none of the locations or props apart from the pills so we had to deal with what we had.

We just used students that were available at the time to be in our pre-lim because none of the main characters were available. The actual characters were not needed for this task because it was purely to see how our scene would look and the shots we needed. This really enabled us to see what we would be like as a group in the filming situation and think about how we are actually going to carry out this task. 

We did not have the correct locations but we found areas around the school that we could use instead. We could not go to the actual locations because they were off campus and this would take too long in the time constraints we had. Not having the right locations and the props and the right characters made us have to think very quickly and on the spot.

I stepped in as our main actor because we could not find anyone else who was able to do it. It was also very easy to use me because I new the outline of our story and what I was intended to do. This made it easier for the whole group and also made it a bit quicker to do.

I feel that this was a very good task to do because it made us think about a lot as a group and also we were able to make mistakes and learn from them so we did not make any of the day. It also make us thing a lot about the shots we wanted to do. By editing and watching it back we could then see what shots we would like to add and the shots and aspects which were not working. 

When we do the voice over it would be clearer and also would be more formal sounding more like a real life interview. Preferably a man's voice being used as the presenter.

I am very excited to go on with our thriller now and shoot the actual thing and am also very excited to see how it turns out.

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