Monday 4 February 2013

First Editing Lession

Today was the first time we sat down to edit our sequence. It was also the first time we had looked back at any of our footage. I was excited to watch it back as I thought that our footage might look actually quite different. I was quite shocked by the footage but was really pleased. I was particularly pleased with the scenes in the bathroom, I thought the lighting gave an eerie and cold atmosphere; which is what we wanted to portray through the lighting anyway. 

First we opened 'Final Cut Pro' which is the software we do our editing in and checked out our files. After watching back our footage we created two files; the 'Rush Bin' and the 'Log Bin'. The 'Rush Bin' is where every single file is kept and the 'Log Bin' is where we copied all the good clips to. This was to make it easier so we knew which were the good clips and the ones we wanted to use. We then went through and re-names all these clips to make them easier to identify when trying to edit. 

This all took quite a long time because we had to organise all the individual files and watch them back. Although this took a long time it will be worth it because when we go back to edit it will be a lot easier to find the files. I am looking forward starting edit the clips together. 

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