Tuesday 5 February 2013

More Editing...

After taking some time looking at the footage we had when we came to edit the last part of the sequence at the end we ran into some problems. On the day of the shoot when shooting the last part of the sequence we began to run out of time as we were shooting in the conservatory and the light began to go. This was a mistake that we made by shooting the most light dependent and complicated scenes at the end of the day. It meant that we did not collect all the shots that we could/should have got. This became apparent when trying to edit this last part and the footage is clearly rushed and just does not look realistic enough for what we were going for. I feel that it is because we rushed it and this has caused it to be really difficult to edit and making it very difficult to make the piece flow. 

Although this is not the end of the world and we will be able to work around it. We will work with what we have got and will make this part of the sequence very choppy like we did in the first part. Not only with this benefit with the footage we have got but also help add to the tension and anxiety we want to create through out peace. 

We then went back to it another day and created a new 'rough cut' going back through the video and experimenting with more editing. Matt went through it with us and pointed out some possible on how to make it better. Then we went through it ourselves changing mainly the second part of the sequence. The part were the main character is preparing for the interview and taking the IQ test all runs quite nicely. Yet, the part which we are having most difficulty with is the second part where she is in the interview and when she lashes out. We came up with the idea that we need to make the cuts fast and furious in order to make it look realistic and cause the viewer to be on edge. By making the cuts really fast it makes it hard to see what is going on, this will cause the audience to feel at unease. 

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