Friday 7 June 2013

What We Have Done So Far...

 We have already discussed how music is a creativity where the industry comes and draws millions out of an artists. The pop video is a important synergetic campaign of an artists song and is just one strand of it. In our A2 course we are going to look at pop videos and eventually create our own and the beginning of the new academic year. We have looked at how there are different elements of a music video this being; performance, narrative, thematic and symbolic. The concept of stars and stardom and how the term 'star' refers to the semi-mythological set of meanings constructed around music performers in order to sell the performer to a large and loyal audience. 

The first theorist that we looked at was Richard Dyer. Richard Dyer has written extensively about the role of stars in film, TV and music. He rised the argument that 'a star is an image, not a real person, that is constructed out of a range of materials' and that 'stars are commodities produced and consumed on the strength of their meanings'. This is looking at the idea of finding a gap in the market and creating an artist to fill this gap. 
He also says that 'The star must be simultaneously present and absent for the consumer'
Example of this could be Robbie Williams. He is the sort of character you can see yourself going and having a drink with but on stage he is 'untouchable'.

'Guy Next Door'                   'Untouchable'

I looked at Beyonce and her star image. She has two different images; a star image and a wife and mother image. 

If you look at these images you get very different aspects of Beyonce. While she is quite clearly a mother and looks as though she is a good mother figure and wife she is also an extremely attractive women who performs and delivers on stage.

The star image is mean to keep the audience interested in the star and who they are.

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