Wednesday 9 October 2013

Writing to the Record Company

4AD is a British independent record label that was started in 1979 by Ivo Watts-Russell and Peter Kent, funded by Beggars Banquet.
The 4AD Records is a huge world wide record company. Purity Ring are signed to the record label. They specialise in more new and upcoming artists and there signed artist or bands tend to be more towards the alternative/indie records.
Artists currently signed to 4AD include; Ariel Pink, Bon Iver, Camera Obscura, Deerhunter, Gang Gang Dance, Grimes, Iron & Wine, The National, Purity Ring, Scott Walker, St.Vincent, Twin Shadow, Blood Diamonds and Tune-Yards. Notice that all of these artists/bands are not names of ones that are heard week to week on radios 'top 40' and are more 'indie' records.

As part of copy right Issues and wanting to use the song in our A-Level music video we have to send an email to the record company asking permission to use there song. It is important that we state in our email that it is purely for educational purposes and no commercial usage, meaning we are not looking to make any money out of the music video.

Here is what we wrote the record company:

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