Thursday 14 November 2013

Evaluation of Website (frist draft)

We started to create a website to promote and sell the artist image and the video. Before we could start our own website we made sure that we did enough research into other artists blogs that were similar to our band. This meant that we new the sort of look that we were going to go for when it came to us creating our own website.

We were introduced to the website editor WIX which allowed us to use templates adding our own images and text into to template and creating our own website. The first step we took was thinking about the website layout and the sort of look we were going for. We decided as a group that we wanted to have quite a clean and clinical look to the website with quite neutral colours. We went on from here.
After selecting the template and the designing the general layout we split the web into different sections this being; home, about the band, behind the scenes (consisting of photographs that I collected on the day of the shoot), Tour dates, News, New Music Videos and contact information. Having collected a vast amount of photos on the shoot day we were able to scatter these all over the website. However, when adding the images into the site it became apparent that we did not have enough pictures of the band. Having recognised this we are going to set up a photo-shoot with the band members so that we can place these onto our website.
For the first draft I just created in photoshop a merge of two photos which I do have for the mean time. However I will shoot this properly. Again we want this to be quite clean, basic and simple.

This is only our first draft but we are pleased with the results for far. Once we have gotten images of the band and the video up on the website it will be much more complete. We were also thinking about placing the time laps we created of our shoot day on the go-pro onto the website; this will show the construction of the shoot day and what went into it.

1 comment:

  1. Ellie, this is excellent. The last two posts are detailed and informative accounts of the production of two of your products, with intelligent evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of both. Your detail and your use of images help to make the production journey even clearer for the reader - well done!
