Wednesday 20 November 2013

Progress of Rough Cut Evaluation

After the shoot day we looked back at our footage and were very pleased with the results and certain shots that we got. We felt that the shots had a strong cinematographic element to them which would lead to producing a professional looking music video. The shots that we were particularly pleased with were the slow motion shots as well at the performance shots with the change of focus creating interesting depth of fields. The focus switches between the performance and the inks running down the perspex screen which was very effective. 
We started placing the narrative elements down first due to this being the main focal point on our video. We thought that we would put the performance clips in different areas once we had the basis of the narrative down first. After we had got the main bulk of the narrative down we adapted the shots to make sure they were cut to the beat, this would was to ensure that the video flowed well. If they were not cut to the beat it would just feel awkward and would be uncomfortable to watch. It became clear that we needed to be careful about the time length of the clips, making sure that they did not go on for too long or pass too quickly so that it did not get to boring to watch or the audience do not get time to see what the image was.

However, there has been a few problems in the editing process so far. We all felt that the slow motion shots worked really well and when we started to put the normal motion shots they did not work as well. So in in this case we had to slow down the speed of some of the footage to make it more pleasing to watch. This was a problem with the arial shot of Isa getting into the bath. We had to slow the speed down of this shot in order to make it look more effective. On the other hand, we did speed up the shot of the bath filling up so that we were not sitting around for ages waiting for it to overflow. We also ran into a problem where we were making it all happen to fast which meant we had allot of time at the end and she had already gone under the water. Once she is in the tub we cant really go back to the shots at the beginning  This made us realise that we needed to make more use of the footage of her in the bed room in oder to stop this from happening. We also need to make more use of the shots with Isa in the bath before she goes under the water.
We thought we would have a big problem with the bright lighting of the performance element and the dark room. The bed and bathroom scenes were shot in a more dark atmosphere while the artists were shot in a more artificial right with colours. Yet when we put them together it actually did not look bad at all and created a nice contrast and also added more footage to the piece as a whole.
We have now moved onto working on another cut of the video experimenting with other ways we could piece it all together and the best way for the sequence to reveal itself at the end. We also need to work with how we are going to make Isa dissolve into the bath at the end. We only have one shot of the explosion of the ink in the bath and two of isa sinking into the bath. This was because they were 'one time shot' things. We need to ensure that this looks realistic as possible and does not reuin the whole look of the video. 

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