Thursday 27 September 2012

Opening Title Sequence 1

·Opening Title Sequence to Mean Girls

*Talking about the production details, and the story/action we get from watching the opening tittle sequence 

'Paramount Pictures presents' a 'Lorne Michaels production' staring 'Lindsay Lohan'. This opening title sequence before any of the action starts causes the audience to know the most important parts about the film. The director wants to audience to no who presents it, who the production is by and the main actor. The credits then launches into the film title 'MEAN GIRLS'. By Lindsay Lohan being the only actor named at this point gives the impression that her character is the main character and the whole film is focused around her. 

We are then set into the action - an extreme close up of a mother and a father talking down at someone, we expect this to be a young child. Lindsay playing 'Kady' in this film gives a small narration about her past life; she has been home schooled in Africa. The audience at this point get the impression that she is going to find it hard to settle in. We then see the school, yellow busses and the different'cliques' signifying that this is set in an American high school.

After a small amount of action allowing us to make judgements on the story line the credits of other actors appear again. These are introduced as she walks into the school seeing the different aspects of American high school. We know that already from her expression of the sights she sees that this is very different from her previous life. 

The opening title sequence is then closed by 'casting by Marci Liroff'. 

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