Friday 21 September 2012

Shooting the Preliminary Task

 We began by Adam our teacher giving us a storyboard and discussing potential ideas that would fit with the story board. After a discussion we came up with the idea thugs with spray paint. Mariella and Alexandra played the part of the two thugs. Mat the media technician gave the class a quick briefing on the best ways to shoot this sequence. We dressed them up in trakkies, hoodies and hats so the audience would know the stereotype and genre of the piece; we thought that these costumes would be a very good signifier for the modern day thugs. We were split into groups to do this task and followed the storyboard bellow:

We went into the studio and used the set that was available for us. We set up the camera in the right position and begun shooting. We did 5 different shots in 3 different positions and then at the end we did one panning shoot as an experiment as we had some time left. Our first shoot was the whole sequence in wide shot so we had four of the shots in one go but it is also a back up shot so we can go back to that shot at any point. Then we did two over the shoulder shots, one on the left and one on the right. We did an extreme close up shots on both sides so we see the reactions of the actor’s faces. These shoots are vital to bring the audience closer into the characters conversation and adds variation to the sequence. We then did an extreme close up of the spray paint can to create effect and to show the audience what is being passed between the characters. After all this was when we did the panning shoot to finish.

In our team we had:
Camera man – Me
Director – Louise SaintClare
Continuity girl, Assistant director – Toby Baring
Actors – Mariella Bailey and Alexandra Werner 

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