Monday 1 October 2012

Editing my Prelim

Out of our group of 5 we split into and group of 3 and 2 so we could focus more closely on the editing aspect and each get a go at editing. In my editing group i had myself, Meriella and Tody. The program we used to edit is called 'Final Cut Pro'. 

We then found our clip  and checked it out. We created two folders, one called the 'rush bin' and the other called the 'log bin'. The 'rush bin' holds all the original copies of the clips while the 'log bin' hold all the selected clips. After watching all the clips we chose which ones we wanted to use in editing and put them in the log bin. 

We used the wide shot as our main shot and started with that. We then chose different shots and put them into where we felt was appropriate and fitted. We learnt that if you wanted to cut from a wide shot to a close up you need to cut when the actors are in motion. This allows the movement  and cut look much more flowing. When we decided what shot we wanted to use we dragged the little triangle cursor where we wanted the clip to start, we then dragged the clip into the timeline and split screen. 

We then ran into some problems with the sound where there was something said in the background so we cut this out. We then used some empty background noise from another shot and copied it into the now empty space in the sound area. Some other problems we ran into were with the continuity. We found when editing that each time the actors said something different, this made it quite difficult to cut and edit it together. 

Although this task was quite hard i learnt a lot about editing and found it very fun. I learnt that continuity is key in the acting. I also found that we could have had a few more varied shots. Apart from the small problems we ran into we were very pleased with the final outcome of our prelim and learnt a lot about editing and shooting a sequence. 

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