Friday 5 October 2012

What is a Thriller?

A thriller is a type of film which is designed to keep the viewer on edge. This is achieved by suspense. A thriller is often described as a piece of literature and can be presented in a film, television program. Tension and excitement are the main elements in the thrillers, these all help create suspense. Thrillers change the views mood giving them a high level of anticipation, uncertainty, suprise, anxitery and terror.
The aim of a thriller is to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seat...waiting for something to happen. The film in almost every case will emphasise danger. Tension should be built throughout the film and leads to a highly stressful climax. 
A thriller can also provide a sudden rush of emotions, excitement and suspense that drives the narrative.  The way that the plot is constantly building to a climax keeps the audience excited because they are waiting for something to happen although they are not completely sure what that is yet.
Our task is to create the opening title sequence of a thriller, we have to be careful with this to make sure we do not reveal to much to soon. We need to build up the tension to the audience experience suspense and tension but leave them asking questions.

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