Friday 19 October 2012

Making Progress

We thought it would be a good idea to sit down and start looking at people we might want to star in our thriller. While each of us had people we wanted to use in our thriller it came down to the people that we though would be best suited for the role.
We worked out we only needed two actors for the idea we had so far, we needed a girl (this would be the person taking the pills) and a doctor.

We decided these roles could be played by:
- Lucy Gavin
- Nick

Obviously these are not set in stone and could change at any point during the course of time between now and when we shoot.

We also began story boarding. These were not proper story boards however they were just a rough outline of what the thriller was going to be like so that we were able to better visualise it. After looking at the story board we realised that some shoots could be taken out and some added in. After analysing it some more we also though that there may be too much going on so we could cut out some shots we felt unneeded.

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