Monday 4 March 2013

Evaluation Tast 4:

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Films in the zombie genre films generally have quite a wide range audience. The main film that we looked at as research for our thriller was 28 days later. Looking at the viewings that this got, males took the largest target audience, males and females under 18 had the highest votes at 7.9. Generally the ratings decreased as the audiences got older yet although the votes did not change very much over the ages 18-44. The votes did drop considerably when it gets to aged 45 plus. 

We would hope to award our film a certificate of 15 although due to the film containing blood, violence and gore this may not be possible and the film then may have to take a certificate of 18. This would cut out a large element of our target audience as generally the young adult audience is what our thriller is aimed for. 

The mainstream films teens go and see these days are action films for boys and for girls would be a chick flick. Our thriller does not really fit into either of these although there would be some scenes of action. Therefore I feel that our film would appeal to those who feel slightly outside the mainstream and want to go and see something different. This being the target audence of the Alternatives. This kids are more into gaming, skating and possibly even emoes. They would be more open-minded and less likely to be influenced by their peers.
To the left you can see the media consumption for the alternative tribe; this shows that they are fairly catered for in the cinema. This is positive as they would come and see the film. 
I would think that before our film holds a female role that this would cause the film to appeal to a female audience. Therefor our first audience target would be for the female alternative tribe. 

Name: Jess 

Age: 17 

Tribe: 'Alternative'

Into: Zombie Thrillers, passionate about music and friends and surfing the net. Like to go and see films that not everyone is going to see; doesn't like to 'follow the crowd'

Our secondary primary audience would be much the same yet focus on a male audience. Yes, this would still incorporate the alternative tribe but it would also bring in the mainstream male population. As the gore and violence would attract the general male audience. This would range between the ages of 16 to approximately mid 40's. 

Name: Andy 

Age: 19

Tribe: Alternative/Emo

Into: Loves zombie and horror films. Work in an arcade store. Into heavy metal music and rock.

Secondary audience we would reach out to an older male, preferably mid 30/40s. I chose this as the secondary audience as generally zombie movies are enjoyed and watched by all. My first and second primary audience were under the young adult male and females alternative tribe bracket but others would also enjoy watching zombie movies. The IMBD chart shows the males ages 30s/40s are also a huge part of the mass zombie audience. 

The good thing about zombie movies is that generally they have a wide target audience ranging from 16 - mid 40s. This is shown in the chart taken from the IMBD website with the viewings from 28 days later, yet this applies to many other zombie genre movies. 

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