Saturday 2 March 2013

Evaluation Task 2

How does your product represent particular social groups?

Our product represents different social groups through camera, editing, sound and mise-en-scene. The different headings reach out to a particular social group and also show positive and negative representations throughout. This means that our particular social group we are reaching out to is the younger job hunting generation, at this part of the movie particularly being females as a result of the positive representation being shown. Enforcing a positive representation of women in this day and age.

Scene 1, bathroom scene:
Firstly, with the camera and editing we follow the lead role. The lead role being a female gives a positive representation to females as she is dressed well, in a serious interview environment with other intelligent looking women, all these factors being a good representation of female roles. In zombie genre films they are usually male dominated. A male would usually take the role of the main character and women are often perceived as weak and often used as a victim. By using a female lead subverts the stereotype of male and female roles and the roles played in zombie genre films. Throughout the camera follows the main character with cuts and edits depending on the state of mind the character is in and her anxiety, reinforcing this with the audience. At the beginning of the sequence the character is stressed out and in a panic the camera uses shots where she unsteady as well as shot fast cuts to reinforce the panic she is in. The camera opens with a close up shot of the main characters face looking at her self into the mirror, then cutting down to her getting the pills out of her pocket. The close up shot continues to follow her until she takes the pill and it goes out to a mid shot. This is when the camera work slows down. A close up shot of her washing her hands shows out she is clean and hygienic. The sound has been heightened again enforcing her cleanliness and also adding to tension which the social group would be expecting in the thriller. Mise-en-scene is important for this scene. The bathroom uses cold lighting (this being slightly gray/blue). This adheres to the thrill feel that is meant to come across in zombie and thriller genre movies. The character is dressed smartly which again adheres to the young/mid aged males and females watching the film. All these factors come together to reach to our target audience, this being young females as a result of the female role. As well as our secondary audience being young males. The female lead might draw the male audience in to. 

Scene two, IQ Test:
Once again we are following the main character who is dressed very smartly, this time we are introduced to more characters. Again these are all well dressed intelligent looking females. This is a positive representation of females again attracting a female audience as they would like the idea that not only does a female take the lead role but is also surrounded by females who are making a step in their career. The camera follows the character, using techniques such as tracking the camera round to the view of the character as she looks round her in confusion draws the audience in. We have also edited in a way that represents her not reacting well to this situation; looking around at others and skipping questions. Many young people in the audience will know how it feels to have a mind-blank when in a test situation, this helps reach out to the targeted social group. The mise-en-scene again goes back to the fact that there are three women well dresses in test and interview situation. Showing/proving that they are going against the stereotype of women being 'house wife' and they are out making a living for themselves. This makes it popular with a female audience. We have used very subtle sounds here. The sounds begin to increase the tension as she looks around. This will add to the thrill that the target audience have come to see. The alternative tribe being the majority of our viewers would also be into this sound/music being created and the tension that is has helped increase. 

Scene three, The interview and bite scene:
This is the most important scene in the sequence as it sets of the whole of the of the rest of the movie and it is what the audience have been waiting for and expecting to see in a zombie movie. The camera work in this part of the sequence is very important. The camera mainly focuses on the main character showing the audience that we should be on her side. Close up shots are used of the main characters face showing that she is really not in the mood to be shouted at and to indicate that something is wrong. We then go back to the technique we used at the beginning of the sequence again. This being using quick and choppy edits to create panic and confusion. The sequence ends with a close up of the girl biting the interviewers arm. This is the beginning of what the viewer has come to see a zombie movie for; the blood gore and violence. The sound at this part of the thriller increases the tension. Drum and rattle sounds are used to cause the viewer to feel at unease. The sound being used to build up the tension would represent our particular social group, this being the alternative group. The music chosen is not quite and 'chilled' but aggressive. One could say that that this fits well with the alternative social group as they are often into quite heavy music.


In conclusion, generally our thriller has a positive representation. Especially to the female gender, as the main character plays the role of a female and comes across as strong, well dressed and intelligent. Also the fact that a female role is the one who turns into a zombie, usually in zombie films the females are the victims. Adam is in the role of an authority figure but then his arm gets bitten and we assume he dies a gruesome death. Generally females are being well represented although she does turn into a zombie it is not her fault. Also the authority becomes the victim which is not stereotypically seen in movies. Through the film there are various parts that reach out to a particular social group. The female role allies with the female alternative group. Although by having a well represented female would also attract the male alternative social group but so would the choice of music and also the blood violence and gore.  

As you can see from these pictures of the three female interviewees they are well dresses and appear very smart, adding to the possitive representation of females in our thriller.

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