Saturday 23 March 2013

Audience Feed Back

To collect the information for our audience feedback, we asked a range of people to watch our thriller and answer some questions. We did this in order to see what people thought of our thriller and to see what we could have done better, what went wrong and what went right and also seeing if the audience understood what our thriller was about. Generally our thriller has had a lot of positive feedback. The audience that that it had a good story line and it was well acted.

Our intentions by using the quick editing and camera movements were to show the panic, urgency and  severity of her stress leading her to take the pill. The feedback from our audience showed that this was portrayed in a successful way. Everyone in the feedback guessed that our movie was a zombie movie which was an aspect that was key to get through in our sequence. We got some mixed feedback, lots being positive but also a fair bit being negative. The negative feedback was mainly people not being able to make the connection between the drug causing the zombie attack stating that we did not show the story line clearly enough. 

This goes back to our original idea being everyone walking round taking a pill. This was shown in the story boards. However we changed this idea as we felt it was too obvious and was spelling out the plot too much. We then went to the other extreme and did not make it clear enough in our actual production. When planning the sequence we were so involved in the story line that we knew the whole concept. It has not struck me until now that as a result of this it did not make me think that others would not know what was going on. We thought that by showing an extreme close up of the pill being put down on the shelf that people would have made the connection between this and the attack at the end. Although listening to this feedback and looking back the our video I can see how confusion could have been caused as it was all very quick, although we did this on purpose to portray the panic of the character. 

On the positive side of things the audience commented that the way we edited it to slowly evolve the plot intrigued the audience. Some did not understand why she was taking the pills. We gave the idea that she was under a stressful situation and in a mode of panic. We had to be careful what we did and did not give away otherwise there would be be point in the rest of the film. 

Overall, I am generally happy with the feedback that we collected. Even those which were negative as I am now able to learn from these and apply them to my next peace of work. Saying this I am also very pleased with those comments which were positive. The feedback was mostly positive indicating that the thriller successfully fulfilled our intensions for our target audience. 

Some Feedback Answers:

Jess Adam -

Q. What do you think the basic plot of this thriller is?
A. About a pill that makes you eat people.

Q. What are the key strengths of this thriller?
A. The shots and sounds linking with how she feels.

Q. How do you think it could be made more effective?
A. I think there could be more dialogue.

Tatiana Middleton -

Q. What do you think the basic plot of this thriller is?
A. Someone takes drugs and they either overdose or they are faulty drugs and eventually kills them.

Q. What are the key strengths of this thriller?
A. The music was a good choice especially in key moments where it stops and starts, it creates anticipation.

Q. How do you think it could be made more effective?
A. Perhaps if we saw the pill she took at the beginning otherwise it was very good.

Alexandra Werner -

Q. What do you think the basic plot of this thriller is?
A. Someone has taken a faulty drug and turned into a zombie.

Q. What are the key strengths of this thriller?
A. Loved the various angles and camera shots it kept me very engaged.

Q. How do you think it could be made more effective?
A. Some white noise in the background in parts.

Izzy Macleod -

Q. What do you think the basic plot of this thriller is?
A. Tablet to keep zombies from coming out.

Q. What are the key strengths of this thriller?
A. I liked the jumpy camera movements and how sudden the zombie attack was.

Q. How do you think it could be made more effective?

A. I thought at the girl was a drug addict at the beginning.

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