Friday 1 March 2013

Evaluation Task 1:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Of course as our thriller is a zombie product the audience would expect to see some stereotypical zombie shots such as; blood, gore and violence. These are all features that you would expect to see when watching a zombie movie.

One of the main title sequences that we looked at was Dawn of the Dead. This being a zombie movie that we used as our main focal point of research. As you can see in this screen print from the website shows in 9 small screen prints blood, gore and violence. It shows what people are expecting to see. The second screen print I feel is the most important out of all 9. By this single picture you can see that it is a zombie film. The blood and the crazy zombie like man creates this effect is just one single picture. I feel that the font and chosen still of the titles links well with the format of the zombie film. Red signifies blood and the font represents the running of blood. In the other screen prints you can see how society is trying to deal with the outbreak of zombies. 28 Days Later is another zombie movie that we looked at a great deal yet there was not a grid like this on the art of the the title website.

I then went on to create my own taking inspiration from those I had looked at on art of the title. I created my own by taking screen prints from my thriller on You Tube and arranging them in the grid like format. I had to be careful with the prints I was choosing because I needed to make sure that it would portray the zombie movie aspect in which I need to create. Although when looking at the prints I could use It struck me that I needed to use a range of prints rather then just the blood and violent ones at the end of the sequence as I felt there needed to be some sort of process and also I did not want it to be all the same, I felt it needed some sort of variety.

As you can see the top three screen shots show the main character taking the pill and not feeling well. This indicated that there is some reason in a malfunction of the pill causing her to turn into the zombie. This then signifies to the audience that the movie is going to be about a the malfunction of a pill that is causing people to become zombies. The next two screen shots show her having a huge nose bleed and the next one of her throwing up blood. This begins the scene of blood, violence and gore expected to be seen in a zombie movie. 

In conclusion; existing from and conversions, blood and gore, screen shots of the arm being bitten and blood pouring.  This tells the audience that they will be watching a zombie film because it follows the form and convention of a zombie film.

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