Thursday 5 September 2013

Final Music Video Idea:

Track - Do I wanna Know
Artist - Arctic Monkeys 

Star Image:

Arctic Monkeys are an English indie rock band formed in 2002 in High Green, a suburb of Sheffield. The band consists of Alex Turner, Jamie Cook, Nick O'Malley, and Matt Helders.

This is a screen grab from the 'Arctic Monkeys' opening page. You can instantly see that this is slightly different to the other artist that I have chosen. While they are still in the 'Indie' genre they are more of a rock band then 'folk' music  This is put forward by the harsh contrast of black and white. You can also see that they are a bit more advanced then the other artists as they have more options to choose to visit on there website; including a store. 

There image I personally think is a mix between a 'reachable' star and an 'unreachable' star. While they are organic artists as they are slightly bigger and more well know then the other artists I think compared to them there is something bigger about them. 

The Song:

Concept of Idea: 
I was thinking because this song is sung by a band and the song itself is quite fully band performed song that I would use this to my advantage and create a band. The song itself is quite dark and dingy in one way so I thought about putting the band into a dark and cold looking room or even possibly placing them in a forest. I would place them in dark clothing and possibly some jewellery on. I also thought about using some cuts to ensure that the audience do not get board. Possibly cutting to some slower 'trippy' scenes. Possibly some placed in a forest of a girl kind of dancing round, in a flowy/tatty dress. She is dancing round but the motion is slowed down and a slow focus used on the camera. Cuts are used between the band and the girl dancing around the woods. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a proficient response, Ellie. You have shown a good understanding of the star image of each of your artists and provided some examples to support this. However, there is a need to develop your research further to build a more complete account of the various star images. Next time, I would like you to develop the detail of your response and ensure that the illustration is as full as possible.

