Monday 23 September 2013

Responce To Talk From Emily Wyatt's From Polydor Records


On Monday 16th of September Emily Wyatt from Polydor Records came in to talk to us about the production and working processes of a production company. Polydor records in owned by 'The Universal Music Group'. She spoke to us about her job and what happens when creating a music video.
Emily herself was the video commissioner and video editor at Polydor Records. She is effectively the point person between the manager, art director, label and director.

She spoke to us about the development of a music video and how it works. The process starts by;
1. Getting a budget from the managing director.
2. After this you have to get a brief together and get this out to the director.
3. Depending on the director or the number or directors depends on your budget. The more directors you have the bigger the budget. Also some directors are expensive. Budgets can range from £1000 - £300,000. The most expensive directors can be up to £60,000 or even more.
5. The directors are entitles to take 10% of the budget.
6. After this they decide who they want and what they want to do and show this to the artist.
7. They then go out the shoot the video and go onto the editing processes. Most videos are shot over 2 days; one a performance day and the other being a narrative.
8. After they have edited the video they deliver the video and put it up online.

All in all this process takes about a month and a half...

Examples of Polydor Records Works:

Ellie Goldin - Burn
Budget - £60,000
This took one day to shoot from 12pm - 3am

James Blake - Overgrown
Budget - £30,000
This was shot in the day time. Parts were done in the studio. The time laps in the sky was done on a green screen.


Whiles lies - First Time Caller
Budget - £15,000
Shot in Paris over a two day Period.


Sex - 1975
Budget - £55,000
The video took 3 days to shoot. They also did a second version in LA that was more explicit. The original video was shot by a 16mm film giving the vintage quality of the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Ellie. The blog is developing well and you have shown the first stage of the research and planning journey clearly. Your account of Emily's visit offers some useful insight into the issues around music video production.
