Thursday 5 September 2013

Second Idea for Music Vidio:

Track - Highter Love 
Artist - James Vincent Mc Marrow

Star Image:
James Vincent McMorrow is an Irish singer and songwriter.  
His music again like daughter is Indie Folk Music. Using interments and his voice. The music is quite chilled out and relaxed. Slow paces but usually with some sort of story or emotional tie to the music.  

This is a screen grab from his website. I think that the website conforms his star image and his music, re-reinforcing the Indie Folk Music in which is makes. The website uses naturalistic colors and is not bombarding. It also offers you the choice to be able to listen to full tracks of  his music from the web sit and the chance to buy it directly from there; This being individual tracks or the whole album. 
If you look at his album cover you can see that he is an organic artist. The image on the front of the album does not show him but a filed with someone in it (we presume him). This album art also re-enforcers that his music is with the Indie Folk Genre. 
<-- His image is very 'ordinary' and reachable. This links to Richard Dyers theory of a star image and linking with organic and synthetic artists. 

 The Song: (higher love)

Concept/Brief Of Idea:

Another Idea I have for my music video is to have a man singing to this song, sitting in a black box room with just the spotlight on him and his piano. I would want it to be really intense, and romantic, because then this will attract a lot of female audience. I would also add in him, either in the past or the future, this could be up to the viewer. It would be him with a girl, possibly walking through a field or in a dinner laughing in slow motion, to make the audience sympathize with him, and fall in love with the couple. It also creates a nice contrast between the sad song and the happy couple/concept. I would also add an effect onto the past/future scenes to create a memory effect. Between this we could keep cutting back to him so that the audience does not get bored. The story would slowly build up until the last line where it fades back into the field where they started and then it submerges back to him and the piano, where the girl is sitting next to him, facing the camera whilst his back is to the camera, and then a slow fade out.

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