Tuesday 3 September 2013

Idea One for Music Video:

Track - Medicine 
Artist - Daughter 

Star Image:
Daughter is an English indie folk band originating from London in 2010. Originally the solo work of Elena Tonra, they are now a trio with the addition of guitarist Igor Haefeli and drummer Remi Aguilella. 
I took this image from her website. I would say that Daughter is more organic artist. As you can see in her website photo that she is quite 'normal'. She does not try and bring attention to herself too much. As someone like Rhianna uses things like 'sexiness' in her images to bring attention to herself. You can tell that she is the main person in the band as the other two are out of focus and could easily miss them. She is more of a 'real' person, while she is a star she is still reachable and unless you know this genre of music you may not know her.

The Song:

Brief of idea: 

  • As the music comes to a build up and fades into the song a birds eye view fade in of the image appears. 
  • The room is bland and dull, grey cement walls which have not been painted and same with the floor. There is just a mattress in the middle with some rugged looking sheets placed messily on it.
  • Birds eye view of the bed and we see a girl standing at the end of the bed. In slow motion we see her fall into the mate rouse. The camera zooms in and pans down her body and we see in the hand is a pill pot and a picture of her and someone. 
  • She sits up and she cradles herself into into a side ball on the mattress (or sitting up but still cradling) she pulls her hands through her hair and scrapes it back. 
  • As she sits up we see the picture falling to the ground, this is shot in slow motion as we see it fall and twirl into the air. 
  • It fades into the picture and the time it was taken. We see the couple together happy, possibly even some evens of them taking drugs or possibly 'monging out'. This is all done in a very spaced out pace to match the mood of the song and what the song is about. 
  • Goes through the story 
  • We see the couple begin to get violent and he hits her. As she falls it time lapses into her falling onto the bed back in the room with the mattress. 
  • It fades out in the same way in which it fades in. Maybe starting from her face or maybe her hand the camera zooms out back into a birds eye shot of her on the bed. The screen fades to a black as the music does. 

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