Tuesday 27 November 2012

More Research

I then decided to go and have a look at more sequences. I thought I should begin to look at ones which may not be directly linked to my thriller but to particular aspects for example; zombie sequences, voice recordings, interviews and anything which I felt grabbed my attention and give me inspiration.

The first one I looked at was '28 Days Later':
I chose to look at this because of the zombie theme. While I do not know much about this movie I noticed that instead of taking the typical stereotype of a zombie there is a monkey in these opening sequence. 
It struck me that this could quite possibly be an outbreak because of some sort of research taking place and a panning shot across a lab then goes to show a CCTV cam shot of 'cam 3...Cambridge Primate Research Centre'

The camera work in this particular opening title sequence is like that of 'Dawn of the Dead'. It uses a flashy short jumpy shots showing different things; of what looks like the outbreak and riots of the town going crazy. We jump to the conclusion that this is because of the research that is going on. We make this judgement because before these shots of the town are shown it is made clear that there is research going on. 
This is approach that we need to keep in mind. This sequence had made it very clear that were is research going on some particular medical trial. This is possibly what is causing the riots and this outbreak. 

 We then get a contrasting shot of the police trying to deal with hundreds of crazy people to one man in a neglected area. This makes it very obvious that something has gone wrong in order for everyone to disappear. There are more close up shots of this man - he is in a doctors uniform. This informs us that he is a doctor and most likely is something to do with the research going on.

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