Wednesday 21 November 2012

Researching Thrillers' opening sequences

There was something in our idea that was not working although we were not quite shore what. We though the beginning scene was a bit cliche and the main body of the scene would be very hard to do realistically. Having this in mind we decided to go and have a look at opening title sequences for films that involve zombies. 

The first one we looked at was the opening for dawn of the dead:
From this we there were certain aspect which we liked the dynamic of. We thought that the black out shots between every other action shot. In these black out shots there is commentary, members of the public asking about the out brake of this 'illness' and someone high in society answering the questions.
We thought this was very effective and began to think how we could incorporate this into our thriller to bring in information about the zombie brake out from drugs in our sequence to help the viewers understand what is going on.

We then looked at 'Shawn of the Dead' - the comical remake of 'Dawn of the Dead'. 
This take a slightly different view  of what is going on. He wakes up on a monday morning and goes out to get some stuff before work. Being so asleep on a monday morning he does not notice the zombies around him.We liked how this sequence was more flowing and was not as jumpy. 
We thought that we could use this idea and have a women going to work and on her way to work we see people taking some sort of pill. Us as the viewers will notice this yet she will just carry on with her journey as normal.

Using these two scenes as are our main source of inspiration we though that we could have something along the lines of the flowing aspect of not noticing what is going on around her coming from 'Shawn of the Dead' and the news reel in the background from 'Dawn of the Dead.'

We then decided to have a look at the opening title sequence of 'I am Legend'. 
This is highly appropriate to link to our triller because not only does it use the voice over interview aspect but it is also about a pill that everyone has taken to cure cancer and has caused an outbreak and caused everyone that has taken it to turn into a zombie. This follows the same sort of pattern as our opening sequence and how allowed me to see how they have done it effectively.

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