Thursday 15 November 2012

Plot Narrative

·         2 girls are at a party running around the place looking as though they are already quite drunk. Holding onto one another with their arms entwined.

·         The girls then run up to the port-a-loo whilst one is holding a bottle of some sort of alcohol. Running up the steps falling over the place.

·         Once they are in the port-a-loo they then go into a cubicle together, we see them talking and laughing together. They then go in and close the door.

·         Over the head shot of the girls in the cubicle handing back and forth the alcohol while one of the girl gets a small plastic bag out of her pocket with some kind of drug inside it.

·         As they are drinking the alcohol they both then start taking the pills, as they are quite drunk already they are drinking quite quickly.

·         Close up shot of them laughing at each other then the shot dissolves into a blackout.

·         The shot comes back in with a males hands round the edge of a metal tray with pill bottles on top of it walking down a hallway going into a room.

·         Once into the room the man/Doctor places the pill bottles on the shelf with the camera on a Close-up on the man’s hands holding the pill bottles.

·         It then goes into a brief black out.

·         Then cuts to wide shot of the Doctor standing over the girl in bed holding a clip board walking around the room checking her monitors and seeing if she is okay.

·         This is when the credits come up, while he’s walking around the room.

·         The shelf of the pill bottles are behind him while he s standing over her, going into a close up of her.

·         Whilst still on a close up of her we go into the Doctors P.O.V of looking closely at her face while she is unconscious.

·         This then goes into an over the shoulder shot of the doctor walking towards the door about to open the door.

·         As he walks towards the door the heart monitor beeping starts to get much quicker and louder, he then turns around and starts running back towards the girl.

·         The camera then zooms in on her foaming at the mouth and shaking violently with her eyes wide-open going crazy.

·         Just before the doctor gets to her the scene cuts out.

·         It the goes into a black out when the title then comes up.

·         Whilst the title comes up, in the background all we hear is crunching, screaming and deep breathing sounds.

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