Tuesday 27 November 2012

Location's and Costumes

Locations and Location Rea-suruch:

- Car park (this can be down in the Hurtwood House bottom car park, two cars can quite easily be found from the teachers or students if we get permission for us to use them). This is were the main women will be getting out of her car and one of the extras will be taking the pill inside their car. She then gets out the car and sets off down the high street.

- Town/High street (this could be done in Cranleigh). We will have the main women walking up to this area. We are hoping that the town will have quite a few people in it so that it looks like a normal town street.

- Bus Stop (Cranleigh). This is were the main women will walk pass with a man standing there taking the pill. 

- Meeting room (Media Sweets/Dave's room; both of these rooms have a big round table in them which would be very useful for the meeting room shot)or the career's room. This is not the picture of the meeting room we intend to use but this is the sort of idea that we have in mind. There only needs to be four place settings and water glasses to.

Establishing shot of a building that she walks into – Hurtwood House


Main Woman – Suit e.g. tights, pumps, skirts, blazer, brief case

Business- Main 1 – suit
-       Man 2 – suit
-       Man 3 – suit

Added Extras – Adam normal school wear (smart casual)
-       Mats normal dress (casual)
-       Couple, normal everyday clothes (jeans and top/casual)

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