Sunday 25 November 2012

New First Draft of Plot Narrative

Having researched into new idea's and looking into opening title sequences to help us reform our idea we came up with a new plot narrative:

The thriller opens with a black out screen and we hear a voice recorder and someone interviewing ‘one of the lucky survivors after having the life threatening reaction to the prescription’. We then get an establishing shot of a women getting out of her car to go to work.  As she is getting out the car and locking it we see someone in the car next to her taking a pill. She is unaware of this and carries on getting out of the car and locking it. As we see this person taking the pill there is a voice over. The voice over is a recorded interview of the main character being interviewed about the pill and the side effects of what happens. We only hear the voice over when we see someone taking the pill around her. During the action of the main character there is not information being given although we do hear the noise of the recorder and possibly her thinking about her answer or her breathing. This projects the idea that this is a bad memory for her and she is finding it difficult to talk about. The action carries on and we see her walk through the town to get to work. As she is walking through the town we see different people taking the pill, possible coming out of a shop, at a bus stop, as she walks into her work place we also see people taking the pill in the hall way or holding a prescription bag. The recorded interview playing the voice over continues while this is going on in the same pattern as before. We see the main character go into a meeting and sit down. As she sits down she puts her hand to her head and we see that she has a headache. She reaches into her bag and takes out a pillbox; we see that this is the prescription drug that everyone has been taking on her way into work. As she takes the pill there is a black out and we only hear the background sound of the recorder. We then hear heavy breathing and the main character mutter something saying she doesn’t feel right… we then hear her flip out, screaming, scouting, heavy breathing sounds. After this black out ends we get a screen collarge of all the people that she see’s going into work taking the pill forming into the title of the thriller.

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