Monday 26 November 2012

Narrative Action

  •          A blackout screen and we hear a voice recorder and someone interviewing ‘one of the lucky survivor after having the life threatening reaction to the prescription'.
  •    An establish shot of an office lady getting out of her car in a car park. She sees there is a man sitting in the car next to her. She ignores him and gets her bag out from the car.
  •       Once she gets the bag, she locks the car and is about to go to work.
  •     Then we see a shot of the man who sitting in the car next to her taking a pill.
  •    As we see him taking the pill, there is a voice over of the main character being interviewed. She is asked about why she prescribed a kind of pill. She answered that was because of bad headache.
  •    The shot comes back on her and follows her walk through the town to get to work.
  •    During her actions, there is not information given, but we know the interview is going on by hearing the noise of the recorder or possibly her thinking and breathing.
  •    It is also when the credits come out on the screen, while she is walking through the town.
  •    There are shots of different people taking or carrying the prescription. Possibly someone comes out of a shop with it or someone gives the other the pill. She has no idea about these events happening.
  •    While we see someone else taking the pills, there is non-diegetic sound of her being questioned ‘Were you aware of the side effects?’ ‘Were you recommended by someone else?’ ‘Have you recommended the pill to your friends or family?’
  •    A establish shot of her getting into her work place. We still hear the noise of the recorder and her breathing.
  •    There are people in her work place have the pills with them as well. Or even someone thanks her for recommending the pill.
  •    She goes into a meeting and sits down. A close up of her putting her hand to her head to show she is having a headache.
  •       She reaches her bag and takes a prescription bag out.
  •    Voice over of her being asked how she felt after taking the pill.
  •    A close up of her taking a pill. And she seems to be better at the moment.
  •     As we see she takes it, then it is a black out. We hear the sound of the recorder.
  •    Then we hear her heavy breathing, and she mutters something saying she doesn’t feel right.
  •       It is still a black out. We then hear her flip out, screaming, scouting, heavy breathing sounds.
  •    After the black out ends, we get a screen collage of different people taking the pill. 
  •       At the end, the collage forms into the title of our thriller.

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